Hi everyone!
It seems very strange to be blogging from Plymouth Central Library rather than a hot, internet cafe in The Gambia, but here I'm enjoying sitting on a comfy chair with plenty of personal space around me and not having to pay for the priviledge either.
This morning I went to the doctors to have a few minor medical issues investigated and came away with the treatment I needed and a couple of future appointments.
I cannot blog without saying this; we are so so fortunate in this country to have all these facilities (yes, I know we pay heavily for them with taxes) and yet nobody seems to be smiling.
I'm trying to work out why the Gambians spend all day smiling and laughing with so little and yet we have so much here and walk around as miserable as sin.
Anyone got any ideas to cheer up the nation? (I know there is the General Election on May 6th but will that change anything?).
I'd like to bottle up the smiles and giggles from the children I work with and send them over here.
It is impossible to feel sad there when you see their faces and sparkling eyes. I love it there.
Don't get me wrong, I'm going to appreciate every moment I am here for the following month as it is great to open up a fridge or freezer and choose yummy food or munch on crisps and junk food.
It has been amazing to meet up with friends and family and share hugs and cuddles with those I love; it makes me realise how much I miss all those things when I am away.
However, my life still belongs in The Gambia for the forseeable future and I have lots to do there before I will consider my work done.
I really look forward to hearing from anyone interested in coming out to volunteer their services.
Particularly any teachers graduating this summer who have no jobs lined up.
We can offer free accommodation and food allowance in exchange for your time and energy. All you have to do is pay your fare.
Gap year companies charge a small fortune for such an experience so have a think about it and get in touch with me at dwdebs@aol.com or check out the website www.gambianprojects.com It is good to be "home".
Until next time
Debbie Williams