Monday, 27 May 2013

Barefoot Books For Gambian Projects

-----Original Message-----
From: Debbie Williams <>
To: kabuckley <>
Sent: Mon, 27 May 2013 21:18
Subject: Barefoot Books For Gambian Projects

-----Original Message-----
From: Debbie Williams <>
To: adeleknox82 <>
Sent: Mon, 27 May 2013 20:58
Subject: Barefoot Books For Gambian Projects


As you are probably aware, one of the main projects Gambian Projects focus on is improving literacy in The Gambia.  We have teamed up with Barefoot Books, a children's book publisher and are able to offer beautiful children's books, many of which are discounted.  If you are interested in getting hold of some really gorgeous books for your children, grandchildren, school or library then feel free to browse the online catalogue.  You can order directly via the link which will ensure that Gambian Projects also receives books for our libraries in The Gambia. If you are in the Plymouth area, then simply contact me on 07596 249987 or by email with your requirements, then there will be no p & p to pay. The link to follow is

If you know anyone who may be interested in a part-time job as a Barefoot Books Ambassador or who would like to have the opportunity to purchase some books then please forward this email to them. 

If you would like to donate a book for The Gambia then please let me know.  Payment can be made by cheque, card or bank transfer.

Thank you so much for reading.

Best wishes

Debbie Williams